June 21This is not a date I like to see come around. It means the amount of daylight is going to start getting less and less. I hate to think about that happening as I like the "long" days.Today I sorted and picked up my sewing room. This is a job I hate but was really needed. It's still not done but some progress made. I did put up a second one of those wooden things with pegs made for spools of thread. I hang a lot of things besides thread on them. I like to have everything out where I can see it. I'm wondering if I shouldn't just get rid of some of my plastic shoe boxes of beads, lace and various other things.
I have been fighting some kind of itchy rash. I got it last summer too. It must be something I'm allergic to from my garden but I don't know what. It keeps breaking out in different places all over my body. Anyway, I got a shot and some stronger cream for it so hope it goes away VERY soon. :(
My son's family is moving from Michigan to Alabama. Sometimes I wonder if all of Michigan isn't moving out. This GM and Delphi mess is bad. Anyway my son got a very good job but now all the hassle of finding a house, selling a house and finding a school for the kids begins.
My nine-year-old DGD was very upset about the move. It reminded me of the six times I moved during my school years. I'm sure it toughened me up but had disadvantages too. All my kids went K-12 in the same school system. Anyway I will be going back to stay with my grandkids in a bit.
Nice soaking rain today so I didn't have to water the garden. And nice and cool for sleeping.